
Who is Duli Noted, and why should you trust me with the manuscript you've poured your heart and soul into?

My name is Amy, and I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English literature. During my studies, I traveled abroad and interned at Vision Paperbacks and Fusion Press, an independent publisher in London, England.

Not only did I get to see the process a manuscript takes from submission to publication, but I also received some experience in marketing a newly released book. While I was supposed to be reading the manuscript to familiarize myself with the material to write some press releases, I noticed a few errors and brought them to the attention of my superior. He told me that I had found a whopping eighteen mistakes the proofreader had missed! That's when I knew how I could start putting my grammar skills to work.

Since then, I've worked with authors and graduate/doctorate students to help polish their projects prior to submission. I've helped to proof scripts before the videos were shot.

I'm here to help you publish the best possible version of your work.

If you think I can be of service, please contact me to see how I can help you, too: editing@dulinoted.com

Amy J. Duli
Duly Duli Noted Editing Services